Sunday 4 October 2009

Questionnaire for School Magazine

Questionnaire for school magazine

1) How many magazines do you buy a week?
· None
· Just the one
· Between 2 and 5
· 5+

2) What type of magazines do you buy? (eg: cars, fashion etc)

3) How much do you usually spend on one magazine?
· Free
· Less than £2
· Between £2 - £5
· More than £5

4) What are your hobbies?

5) Do you do any after school activities?

6) If we made a school magazine, what 3 things would you want to be in it?

7) If you got to pick the name of your school magazine, what would it be?

8) What would you like the focus of the magazine to be?
· School like
· Upcoming events inside and outside school
· Social life and teen talk

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